It’s ok!

Sometimes we just need a little encouragement and emotional support! Somebody to listen to us and help when we are feeling down. Life can be very stressful and on occasion we may find we will get down and need a good pick me up! Life can be challenging at times and test our very limits! We sometimes have to take a break and just find something we like to do that makes us happy! We can find that simple things can lift our spirits and make us feel better. Talking to a good friend is always helpful and makes us realize we are not alone! Friendships are important and they help us to appreciate that we are liked and supported. Sometimes we just want to be left alone and other times we need a good friend to hang out with. If we have no one to share our feelings with then we can get very depressed and frustrated. There are simple things we can do to help us get through some really tough times like listening to our favorite song or watching a good movie. We all need to find a reason for laughing and being happy! It’s much nicer to laugh then cry! When I was young I loved to watch cartoons like the Flintstones and the Jetsons. I also enjoyed sneaking into my sisters closet and wearIng some of her pretty dresses! I always felt good wearing a dress! My whole view of life changed when I would dress as a girl. Now my life is complicated but I enjoy times with my son and living my life as a woman! I always felt like a woman and now I am and it’s ok!! Emily 


Emily Iannielli, Born to be a girl!


My family
My family

Emily Iannielli, Born to be a girl!

Emily was born a boy but knew deep down she was meant to be a “girl” since age 4. She has endured many family tragedy and has accomplished her studies in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech and followed that up with an Accounting degree at Hofstra University and worked in Engineering field and as a CPA. Emily has been very depressed and suicidal and is on medical disability and long term disability and is focusing now on advocating for her son as his “dad” and is transition from male to female and living 24/7 as a girl. She is only doing what she knew she had to do since age of 4 but is still in love with wife and son and is trying her best to help her son who is 15 and in the hospital going on 5 weeks for depression, suicide ideation and autistic rage. I am my son’s biggest supporter along with his mother, my wife and we stand together in unity to help our son get back on the right track. The hardest and emotionsl time will come in June 2014 when we take him from Long Island where we live to Hillside, a residential school which Matty will attend and live as this is our “Hail Mary Pass” and we have the full support of our son’s school district who is responsible for the placement because to date nothing else suggested and implemented has been successful. We are hoping this is the miracle for our son, Matty a wonderful kid with a great big heart but has emotional and behavioral difficulties.   Love, Mom and Dad

Dad, Edward D. Iannielli III (aka Emily Iannielli)

Emily shares her life story and current matters

Emily is a male to female transgender speaking from her heart about her son, her family, her breakdown and her transgender issues which she struggled with since the age of 4. Emily love her family and is an advocate for Autism (her son and Families affected by having an autistic child); Transgender (herself and for the community ravaged by suicide and tragedy); Depression (as she lost her mom at 49 years old, her dad who struggled with it and she and her son suffer also from it and for all families affected by it); Suicide (she lost her dad tragically to suicide as he jumped into the path of an oncoming LIRR rush hour train on April 16, 2009.) Life is not always as we wished it to be. I knew I was a “girl” since age 4. My mom died at age 49, My dad committed suicide, My son is autistic, and I attempted suicide in the wake of job loss, imminent foreclosure, abandonment of family, relatives and friends because I am doing what I had to do which is to transition from male to female, I am unable to work as I am suicidal, severely depressed, worried about my son, losing our house and succumbing to all my hardships, suicide, transgender and foreclosure. I need to protect my family and if my suicide will save them due to my life insurance so they won’t be homeless than that is what I have to do. The real tragedy is I am so happy now becoming Emily but am vulnerable to suicide because of all our recent hardships. I would be another sad statistic for my family, my son and the transgender community. Emily

My video on my current situation

I am struggling with depression, transgender, job loss, raising a teenage autistic son, trying to avoid foreclosure, attempted suicide twice in the past 6 months and am trying to support my wife and son the best i can and hoping we are able to place him in a good residential school which is one of the hardest decisions we will have to make. We need to get him the help he needs. Emily

Selena Garcia, a music artist on the rise

Music talent
Music talent Selena Garcia
Music and Beauty from within and displayed with the talent, grace and charm of a young woman Selena Garcia
Music and Beauty from within and displayed with the talent, grace and charm of a young woman Selena Garcia

It comes from quiet reflection and it can be derived from great joy or great pain. We all have a need and desire to express ourselves and share our lives with others. We don’t have to be closed off if we choose to open up and freely write out our thoughts, our experiences, our dreams, our joys, our hopes, our wishes, our fears, our desires, our achievements, our failures, our sorrows, our celebrations, our goals and our proudest moments. We can learn by being in tune with our feelings as we write them down. Writing can be our biggest gift as we look back and reminisce about our life through our words, the pictures that mean so much to us and the everlasting memories that surface in our minds. We can choose to share our writings with others or keep them private as our own personal diary.

Writing can liberate us or help us to unlock the mysteries. It is a wonderful thing to express ourselves and share a part of who we are with our family, our friends and those who are important to us. It is not easy to write sometimes but if we approach it in a way that allows us to enjoy it and to write something that has meaning and helps to define us and is meant for our loved ones then it can be truly a wonderful gift that will last and can be a source for inspiration. We can touch others with our actions and our words and if we can convey our feelings and share our experiences in a positive way and capture it for all to see I believe that it will help the ones we love and it will provide something that is of sentimental value that will be treasured and held close to the heart.

I always admired musicians who write, compose and play their own music. That is a talent on so many levels and only a few are so gifted and the others have to work hard for what they dream and envision. I am a fan of music since I was a child and now I have a teenage son who I have shared music of my generation with. It’s nice to go back in time to listen to the music you remembered as a kid.

It is also nice to come across an artist who plays today and is in a personal journey to live a dream they may have had within them since early childhood. When I came upon the profile of Ms. Selena Garcia on Reverbnation and started to read her story and listen to her music I truly was touched and felt something special about her. I have been going through my own struggles as a male to female transgender knowing since the age of 4 but was too afraid to discuss it. I lived my life with a heavy heart but I achieved wonderful things in my life due to my own perseverance and belief that one day things would get better.

When a young musician is traveling and leaves their “comfort zone” and gives up everything they are accustomed to that takes courage and that is why i am drawn to Selena as her music reflects more than just words and feelings. It is the embodiment of her life and shared experiences. I am privileged to write this little tribute as i admire the ambition, drive and dedication of a young woman who wants to share her music, her charm and her message.

The song I was struck by is Eternal Sunshine which I will play here and you will become a fan too.

Life lessons are what help to shape us and as we live and experience our individual lives we will come to know these lessons but it is also important that we impart these lessons of life in how we live and are inspired whether we are a writer, a musician, an artist or a parent to our children. We must know how to put it all together and package it in such a way that it appeals to others and conveys our thoughts, ideas, emotions and love for what we do.

A young music artist with a lot of heart and ambition
A young music artist with a lot of heart and ambition
A young woman artist who reminds me a little bit like Suzanna Hoffs
A young woman artist who reminds me a little bit like Suzanna Hoffs
A beautiful young woman who sings with all her heart. she is to be admired
A beautiful young woman who sings with all her heart. she is to be admired
Selena Garcia playing acoustic guitar
Selena Garcia playing acoustic guitar
Selena Garcia pondering her next song
Selena Garcia pondering her next song

Selena Garcia, a young talented artist on the rise by Emily

Eternal Sunshine

Hi, my name is Emily and I am a male to female trangender with an autistic son and am married

The V Word

The Adventures of a Single Gal and Modern Love

Transgender Mental Health

Discussions of Mental Health Issues for Gender Variant and Transgender Individuals, Friends and Family with posts by NYC Psychotherapist Ami B. Kaplan, LCSW.

emily and her story of becoming female

Hi, my name is Emily and I am a male to female trangender with an autistic son and am married

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.